The Chocó Alliance is devoted to the conservation of the extraordinary tropical forests of northwest Ecuador. The Alliance protects this region by supporting its members – local conservation organizations with years of community-based experience and with deep understanding of this area, its habitats, and its residents.


The Chocó Alliance is comprised of local Ecuadorian environmental NGOs that work on the front lines to protect habitat and communities in the Chocó. The Chocó Alliance helps its members work more effectively in pursuit of their conservation objectives by creating opportunities to coordinate efforts, share resources, and leverage one another’s successes. 

Working together through the Alliance in pursuit of a regional approach to conservation, member organizations can magnify their impact to protect the Chocó’s extraordinary biodiversity.


Tumbes Choco Magdalena biodiversity hotspot and Tropical Andes biodiversity hotspot

Northwest Ecuador is home to one of the most threatened tropical forests on the planet. Containing both the Tropical Andes and Tumbes-Chocó-Magdalena biodiversity hotspots, this region rivals the Amazon in biodiversity and far surpasses it in terms of endemism. With less than 2 percent of the original lowland forest remaining and an annual deforestation rate of 2.5 percent, these forests must be saved now.

The Ecuadorian Chocó encompasses nearly 500,000 hectares, including two national parks. The best way to save this fragile ecosystem is by protecting the existing forests in cooperation with the communities living in and around them. There are several community-based conservation organizations protecting the Chocó in incredibly effective and lasting ways. These local groups are connected to the landscapes and the communities in which they operate. These are the members of the Alliance.

Our Organization

Meet the members of the Chocó Alliance and learn more about their work, values and principles.

Our Work

Learn more about how the Alliance supports its members, and the benefits of collective action and support.

Updates from the field

Photo Credit - Ngoc Sam Thuong Dang, Hummingbirds / Julia Watkins, Ecuador 2021, Lookfar Conservation


Contact info@chocoalliance.com to get more information on the project.